Bradley Heinze Photo

Hello, my name is Bradley Heinze.

Creating fun, rewarding, and memorable experiences is one of my primary drives in life. From early on, I was the kid that people would give the rulebook to understand and decipher the game rules, reuse pieces of different board games to create a new game to play, and wrote game mods for the tabletop RPGs that I was invested in. I've also spent countless hours as my group's main Dungeon Master planning and running (and winging in some instances...) numerous campaigns in D&D, which helped me to better understand encounter creation, difficulty setting, player expression, and narratively compelling gameplay.

As I've grown in my career, I've had the pleasure to be a team member on small. medium, and large triple A studios working as a Gameplay Programmer, Technical Designer, and Game Designer. Crafting moments for players and getting to see, hear, or read about their experiences is a truly addicting process, one in which I continue to study in order to bring something or different in the next feature that I work on.

I’m always trying to improve these skills by reading books, watching movies and videos, reading screenplays, and playing games to study and break down which mechanics, systems, scenes, or moments trigger impactful experiences. Focusing on these areas, I believe, helps me to figure out how to better elicit strong emotions and better in-game choices for people, leaving them with moments worthy of their time and attention.

I have the privilege of being able to fulfill my creative dreams every day in my job as a Senior Game Designer, and I hope to be fortunate enough to improve my abilities to continue down this path in the future.